Pain under the left shoulder blade is a common occurrence that can occur after a sudden movement or due to an uncomfortable position of the body. They usually pass quickly and don't bother you anymore.
Persistent discomfort under the scapula can be a sign of a serious illness that requires immediate treatment. Do not evaluate this symptom, especially if the pain spreads from the left sternum or the left arm is numb.
Whether a person seeks professional help in a timely manner, it is not possible to make an accurate diagnosis of his nature and location, to choose the direction of examinations, as well as to choose the necessary treatment. the disease itself, but also the causes of its occurrence.
Causes of pain under the left shoulder blade
What does this mean? In adults, there are many causes of pain in the lower back, which can be associated with diseases of both the spine itself and internal organs. Below we consider the most likely causes of this situation.
Certain diseases of the musculoskeletal system may be accompanied by a painful symptom in the area of the left shoulder blade. It often manifests itself as follows:
- Osteochondrosis of the thoracic or cervical spine.
- Intercostal neuralgia.
- Traumatic injury of the scapula (compression injury of the suprascapular nerve).
- Rib fracture.
- Sprengel's disease (scapula alata) - pterigoid scapula.
- Myofascial syndrome.
Cardiological diseases. This is not to say that there is only pain in the area of the left shoulder blade. The pain then spreads to the left arm, then to the clavicle, and then to the lower abdomen. Depending on the disease, patients may experience shortness of breath, heart palpitations, or a feeling of tightness in the throat. At this time, the chest seems to be squeezed on them or caught with a feeling of warmth. These are the following diseases:
- Ischemic heart disease.
- Myocardial infarction.
- Pericarditis.
- Angina pectoris (unstable, stable).
- Mitral valve prolapse.
- Less common aortic aneurysm.
Persistent pain under the left shoulder blade may indicate disease of the broncho-pulmonary system. At the same time, painful sensations are always directed to the affected lung, with a moderate intensity and painful character localized under the left shoulder blade at one point of pain. It can be:
- Left-sided pneumonia.
- Pleurisy (dry, left-sided).
- Tracheobronchitis with autonomic dysfunction.
- Acute bronchitis.
- Left lung abscess.
Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
- YABZH (Ulcus gastrica) - gastric ulcer.
- Ulcus duodenum - duodenal ulcer.
- Esophageal spasm.
- GERD is a gasophageal reflux disease.
- In rare cases - exacerbation of pancreatitis.
Typical causes of pain under the left shoulder blade are:
- The most common os occipital is cervical osteochondrosis, which manifests itself as unilateral pain under the occipital bone. The pain is painful in nature, intensified by active movements of the head and constantly spreads under the scapula, to the arm.
- Intercostal neuralgia is another disease in which the typical symptom is pain under the left shoulder blade. It is a frequent result of osteochondrosis and manifests itself in severe pain in the lumbar region and radiating to the right or left, as well as in the back.
- YABZH (stomach ulcer). The symptom is mostly seasonal, depends on nutritional factors, and is characterized by paroxysmal, radiating pain.
Based on such a brief anatomical review, all the causes of pain under the left shoulder blade can be divided into two major groups:
- Pain associated with pathology of internal organs (cardiovascular pathology, respiratory diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and spleen).
- Pathology of the musculoskeletal system and muscle pain, including pain associated with neurogenic nature.
To find out why you have pain under the left shoulder blade, you should undergo a thorough examination, which will be prescribed by the attending physician, based on specific complaints and examination information. After all, pain in different diseases will differ in nature, intensity and provocative factors.
Angina pectoris
Another heart condition that can present as a sharp pain under the left shoulder blade is angina pectoris. With it, the pain first "pours" in the retrosternal region, and then literally to the left. Due to the nature of the manifestation, they become sharp and narrow, disappear at rest and after taking nitroglycerin. To a lesser extent, validol helps patients.
In most cases, the disease is caused by atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries. Angina attacks most often occur during physical and emotional stress, after sudden hypothermia or overheating of the body, alcohol intake, as well as after spicy and heavy meals.
The most common cause of pain in the lower back from the back is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which is characterized by compression of the roots of the spinal nerve.
The disease is often characterized by unilateral, tight, dull pain under the occipital region. It can be both permanent and manifests itself with lumbago, always radiating under the scapula from the affected side. A sharp increase in symptoms occurs with head movements, after a night's sleep.
This is often the result of prolonged stress on the neck. Patients also report numbness, migraine, dizziness in the hands.

Pneumonia and pleurisy
With left-sided pneumonia (pneumonia), moderate pain accompanied by sputum and wheezing in the lungs, the scapular region will also be disturbed. At the same time, temperature "candles" are often noted.
Pleurisy (inflammation of the pleura) can be dry or purulent. Both types of this pathology are accompanied by severe pain during breathing, the person protects the affected side: breathing becomes more shallow.
With purulent pleurisy, a puncture is required, followed by an analysis of the discharge and drainage of the pleural cavity.
Gastric ulcer
Gastric ulcer is a common disease that causes increased pain under the left shoulder blade. The sensations gradually spread throughout the chest, nausea and vomiting appear. Severe back pain after eating unhealthy foods: too salty, spicy and greasy. Also noted:
- pallor of the skin.
- nervous fear situation.
- cold sweat.
- blood clots in the vomit (the main sign of calling an ambulance at home).
When painful feelings arise, a person cannot move normally. The aching pain increases with any perfect movement. A sharp pain may be a signal that an exacerbation has occurred and you should call an ambulance.
Intercostal neuralgia
This pathology often occurs in patients with complaints of pain under the left shoulder blade. In this case, the pain extends to an intercostal space, is accompanied by a feeling of numbness or tingling along the affected area, and increases when the patient leans to the left. In some cases, along the inflamed intercostal nerve, skin rashes or redness may occur.

Often, pain caused by traumatic injury to the shoulder blades occurs when the shoulder blades are directly affected or fall backwards. The pain syndrome is especially intense in the first hours after the injury.
In the future, it appears or intensifies with movement, edema and swelling develop. Traumatic pain can also be caused by a fracture of the backbone or rib. Therefore, X-ray examination is mandatory.
Myocardial infarction
A heart attack is characterized by sharp pain under the left shoulder blade, which can be seen on the entire left side of the body (left arm, left side of the neck).
The most common cause of acute angina during a heart attack may be emotional stress, so people with heart problems are advised not to be nervous.
Pain in a heart attack can be of a different nature - cutting, squeezing or pressing. However, there are non-standard cases in which pain can manifest itself in the most unexpected and non-standard way, for example, in the peritoneal region.
The disease is associated with inflammation of the serous membrane of the heart. Tachycardia often develops with this disease, so it is the cause of pain in the left side of the back. The pain is sharp, but decreases when the person is calm or leans forward.
This disease is dangerous with the formation of adhesions and narrowing of the organs, accompanied by narrowing of the heart. Calcium salts can also settle in the pericardium of the heart, causing the heart's mucous membranes to thicken.
Psychosomatic diseases
Often the pain under the left shoulder blade is marked by psychological stress and diseases of a psychosomatic nature. The causes are stress and emotional shock, which the body is unable to cope with on its own and signals problems with the help of psychosomatic pain.
In addition to the pain behind the scapula, the following symptoms may occur with psychosomatics:
- heat;
- discomfort in the chest area;
- cramps in the throat;
- lack of air.
To understand how to treat pain under the left shoulder blade in the back, you need to undergo a thorough examination to determine the exact cause of this symptom.
First of all, they are:
- Collection of anamnesis. The pain under the left left shoulder blade is very short because it is not considered a life-threatening pathology.
- Familiarity with the doctor's detailed description of the nature of pain.
- Examination of the patient's back.
- Instrumental examination is performed only in case of suspicion of acute infection, oncology, trauma and severe neurological symptoms.
First of all, the doctor makes a complete diagnosis to rule out myocardial infarction, spinal oncology, neurological disorders that require urgent treatment. And only then decides how to treat this patient.

Which doctor should I go to?
Depending on how the pain sensations arise, their characteristics, and what they are related to, you should choose a specialist to consult:
- Gastroenterologist - for food-related pain, dyspepsia.
- Therapist or pulmonologist - for pain aggravated by shortness of breath, cough, fever, accompanied by shortness of breath.
- Neurologist - for pain associated with movement, stress.
- Traumatologist - when an injury is shown before the onset of pain.
- Cardiologist - with a burning sensation behind the sternum, radiation under the scapula, tongue, left arm.
- Psychologist and psychiatrist - especially for pain with no known cause based on the results of a detailed examination, when there are other symptoms of psychosomatic disorders and neuroses.
Preventing diseases and pain is easier and safer than treating them. Even if you do not have any health problems or concerns, you should see a doctor regularly and get a medical examination. If the pain is still visible, you can not treat yourself, you should immediately contact a specialist in this field. By relieving pain without painkillers and complex treatment, you contribute to the development of serious diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract or spine.